Friday, April 20, 2012

One day in a quiet week before the midtest

Assalamualaikum :)
"Today is friday", "(TGIF) Thanks God Its Friday", "(ALIF) Alhamdulillah Its Friday".
Kayaknya kalimat-kalimat  itu sekarang jadi kalimat andalan ya untuk update status di facebook, twitter, BBM, ataupun social media lainnya disaat hari jumat tiba. *based on my own research*
Kenapa hari jumat jadi istimewa? mungkin karena selain hari jumat merupakan hari yang baik, hari jumat merupakan awal dari weekend, waktunya untuk me-relax-an badan dan pikiran dari rutinitas sehari-hari selama weekdays.

Well, gak usah panjang lebar tentang hari jumatnya, karena sebenernya nothing special juga di hari jumat ini, justru sebaliknya. *sigh*
Minggu ini sebenernya lagi off class alias minggu tenang untuk persiapkan diri sebelum UTS (walaupun sebenernya cenderung dipake buat main sih bukan buat belajar :p).
Hari ini, hari jumat di akhir bulan, keadaan dompet pun sudah tidak mendukung, ditambah suasana rumah lagi gak asik untuk stay aja di rumah selama libur. So, saya memutuskan untuk keluar rumah tapi hemat dan tugas pun kecicil, apalagi kalau bukan ke coffee shop, numpang hotspot-an, dan beli segelas minuman aja buat nemenin. hehehe :p
Saya di tempat itu lumayan lama dan teman yang dateng ke tempat duduk saya gonta-ganti sebanyak 3x sampe mas-mas dan mba-mba nya juga ngeliatin terus, mungkin kalau bisa keliatan sebenernya di atas kepala mereka itu ada balon-balon yang isinya ngomongin saya kali yaa karena meja penuh sama laptop+buku, dan lama banget stay di situ.hehe :p
Yaa whatever laah yaaa...yg penting tugas selesai :D

Hot Cappucino to accompany my chores :)

Ini dia @irairoo, temen yang bertahan nemein sampai sore :*

Anyway, i'm wearing batik on friday loh! :3

They're my fu*king friends today !

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Shawl Season for April Edition ;)

Hello, ZAZ's :)
Setelah beberapa lama ZAZA Shop vacum, akhirnya udah bisa restock beberapa shawl dengan motif yang terbatas loh.
So, let's check it up on our official Facebook ;)

The Fertile Flowers

 The Red Flowers

The Manacle

The Bullets

The Purply

The Blue Flower

All Shawl *heart*

ZAZA Shop ;)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Keep Stunning With Indonesian Batik

This weekend i got three invitations of the wedding makes me envy (huhu)
 Actually i have no prepare for this, but when i opened my wardrobe, i found my mom's batik skirt. And then, chic it up! ^^

Batik Shawl : My mom's collection
Flowly Outdress Pink : ZAZA Shop
Batik Skirt : My mom's collection
Heels : NEVADA

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Warung Pasta

Holaaa, sorry for update this blog lately. But, i 'm going to share the "unyu" moment of us after the hectic days of final exam :p


Cheese Pizza , Baked Snow Ball

Chocolate Pancake

Hot Lemon Tea, calm my mood successfully

In this photos : Me, Novia, Sandra and Ade

Cheers ^^

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Random Saturday

black and white 

accidently, we wear the same tone colour :p

mie ayam jamur, mie ayam bolognese, iced milo, iced lemon tea :p

Friday, January 20, 2012

Girls Friday Out :)

Finally, after the looooong time we didn't have the quality time, today we had that quality time even though it only three of, iraa, and novia. But, today was fun, girls :)

Me, Iraa, and Novia

After watching the movie, we take a "Photo Box". It was funny :3

I loved it :)

and then, we had a very late lunch at Rumah Sushi.
Hmmmm....yummyy :p
(Bulls Eye, Tomodachi Roll, Little Monster, Chuka Idako Gunkan, Salmon Maki)

Thanks, girls :*

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

i love stripes

gray satin shawl by ZAZA Shop
unbranded collared pink lace top
unbranded long stripes dress
stars white Converse sneakers


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